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Teen Therapy near Syracuse, NY and Surrounding Regions

Adolescence is a tough time for many people.  This is a significant period in every young person's life and can seem like one of the hardest to get through.  There are several reasons for this.  Adolescence is a time of physical, cognitive and emotional growth.  Teenagers are at a point in their lives when they are transitioning from childhood to adulthood.  They may be faced with new rules, responsibilities and expectations from their parents, teachers and society.  It is also a time of increased independence and self-discovery.  They may start questioning their parents' rules and standing up for their own beliefs.  They may try new things and take risks.  Coupled with their frequently-held belief that they are invincible and cannot be hurt, these risks may seem reckless or dangerous.  

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 How Teen Therapy Can Help

Teens are also faced with peer pressure, making them more vulnerable to things such as drug and alcohol use.  They may also be coming to terms with their sexuality and struggle with certain emotional battles as a result.  As they begin to explore sexual relationships, they may potentially find themselves trying to navigate the emotions that come with unplanned pregnancies or sexually transmitted diseases.  Also, body image or other self-esteem issues may lead to a lack of confidence and disordered eating.


Teen Therapy for Cyber Bullying


Dating, relationships and other social problems including bullying are other struggles many teenagers face.  The Age of Technology we are now living in makes it easier for peers to enter their homes at all hours of the day or night and anonymously harass, embarrass or emotionally torture other students with the protection of a computer screen or mobile device.

Teen Therapy for School Related Stress


Pressure to perform academically is another common stressor for teens.  Trying to balance school assignments, extracurricular activities and home responsibilities can be overwhelming and seem impossible at times.


Teen Therapy for Issues Related to Puberty

Along with all of the other developmental and social challenges that may be occurring, teens simultaneously experience puberty - changes that occur due to the release of sexual hormones, which can significantly affect emotions and lead to increased mood swings.



Teen Therapy for Anxiety and Depression

There are so many ups and downs- making and losing friends, school and social pressures, questioning and doubting self-worth and experiencing uncertainty about the future.  Teenagers are at a time in their lives that can be so fun and exciting but also scary, sad, painful and overwhelming.  This is a time when young people are susceptible to depression and anxiety, and they often feel that nobody is capable of understanding them or how they are feeling.


Teen Therapy from an Experienced Therapist near Syracuse, NY
and the Surrounding Areas

Helping young people learn about their strengths, values and ambitions while overcoming and growing from other challenges is an amazing thing.  By providing teen therapy in a safe and supportive environment free of judgment or other repercussions, I can help teens navigate the many challenges they face as they walk down this scary and exciting path toward adulthood.


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