Christina L. Gmyr
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, PLLC
Stress Management and Life Transitions
Let's Talk About How Therapy Can Help with Stress Management and Life Transitions
As a Licensed Mental Health Counselor and therapist near Syracuse, NY and the surrounding areas, I am experienced in helping people learn to cope with stress.
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What are Life Transitions?
Transitions are a natural part of life. Some happen unexpectedly and can be pretty extreme such as with deaths, accidents, job losses or serious illnesses. Others come with plenty of warning and can be viewed as positive experiences. Some examples of positive life transitions may include marriages, going away to college, moving to a new city, purchasing a new home, starting at a new school, beginning a new job, entering retirement or having children. Whether these changes are unexpected or with warning, viewed as negative or positive, they still typically cause a certain amount of stress. The amount of stress experienced and how it is managed may vary from person to person.
Are you going through a life transition? Therapy can be effective for stress management during this new part of your life.
What is Stress?
According to the National Addictions Management Service, "Stress is the feeling of pressure, strain or tension that comes from dealing with challenging situations. It is a part of life and it happens to everyone." Stress is a response to daily pressures and can leave us feeling nervous or frustrated.
Understanding Stress and Stress Management
Everyone perceives situations differently and therefore may experience different levels of stress. Response to stress and stress management approaches also vary from person to person. Stress can become a problem when it creates extreme emotional distress or causes us problems in our everyday lives. It's important to be able to recognize signs of stress so that you can effectively use healthy stress management techniques.
Common Signs of Stress:
Increased heart rate
Stomach aches
Digestion problems
Back pain
Feelings of anger or irritability
Anxiety or Depression
Stress Management and Therapy
There are many ways to deal with stress. Some people choose to engage in unhealthy stress management behaviors such as consuming alcohol, smoking cigarettes, taking prescription medications or doing illicit drugs. Although these may help with immediate relief of symptoms, they do not offer long term benefits and can, in fact, do the opposite. People who regularly engage in these stress management behaviors can suffer negative consequences such as health problems, legal issues, problems with work or school performance, difficulties in interpersonal relationships or increased emotional difficulties.
Stress Management and Healthy Coping Skills
A better way of actively managing stress is to learn healthy coping skills. Therapy can assist with stress management by helping you identify the causes of your stress, as well as various stress management strategies. It can help you understand how your thoughts may be leading to an increase in symptoms, and teach you how to replace any irrational thoughts with those that are more rational and helpful. In therapy you can learn specific stress management skills such as time management, goal setting strategies, relaxation methods, problem-solving and other effective coping skills.