Christina L. Gmyr
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, PLLC
Online Therapy near Syracuse, NY
Online therapy is a convenient alternative to traditional face-to-face therapy. Online therapy is done through video chats, allowing the same personal feel of traditional therapy but with the convenience of participating in sessions wherever you have an internet connection.
Is Online Therapy the Right Match for You?
Online therapy makes it easier for people who want to see a therapist but may not have the time to commute to a therapist's office. Whether it's because of a busy schedule, location, or life demands, online therapy makes it possible to talk to a professional while accommodating your lifestyle. Online therapy is also a great option for people who may not be available for therapy sessions during normal office hours. People with limited access to transportation may also find that online therapy is a preferred option. Online therapy may also be the best choice for people with an illness. Bad weather that can make travel difficult also makes online therapy an appealing option. Individuals and families with limited child care options also can benefit from the convenience of online therapy.
People with mental health issues that make it difficult to leave the home also benefit from the convenience of online therapy. Online therapy is also an attractive option for those who feel a stigma associated with therapy and would prefer to speak with a therapist in the privacy and comfort of their home.
Online Therapy: How It Works
I prefer to use VSee for online therapy sessions. VSee is a HIPAA-compliant service that allows therapy patients to make free online phone and video calls. VSee safeguards your privacy by securely encrypting and transmitting all video and audio through a method that prevents even VSee from having access to any identifiable health information that may be communicated.
Please click here to download VSee.
Please be assured that although I do my best to protect each therapy patient's personal health information, I cannot guarantee complete confidentiality and privacy for online therapy sessions as I have no control over where you choose to get online or what records you choose to keep. When using VSee, please do so from a private area where others cannot overhear the therapy session. It should also be known that if you opt to keep printed records of emails or online chat, you may be compromising the confidentiality and security of those records.
To engage in online therapy, you must be physically located in New York State and be at least 18 years of age.
How Much Does Online Therapy Cost?
Billing for online therapy sessions are the same as face-to-face individual therapy sessions. If you intend to use insurance plan reimbursement to pay for online therapy services, please reach out to your insurance provider to confirm coverage. Online therapy sessions can be paid for with major credit cards (Discover, Visa, MasterCard, American Express).